Biggest Bryant stories of 2009: Sports

What were the biggest Bryant sports stories of 2009? 

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  1. Trevor Page

    1. Bryant absolutely destroys #1 ranked Cabot on homecoming night.
    2. Coach Bock, even though having to completely start over with the baseball team, leads three separate teams to winning records (Varsity, JV, and B team), not to mention the number one seed from the Central heading into the playoffs.
    3. Almost 20,000 Bryant fans watched as the Hornets rolled over the Panthers in the Salt Bowl.

  2. Rick Meyer

    1. Bryant’s Junior Girls Basketball is absolutely aswesome. Going undefeated in 2008-2009 at 18-0 and are currently the Central Conference first place leaders at 16-0. The Jr. Girls have put Bryant back on the map as the team to beat in Central Arkansas. Bryant hasn’t seen a team like this since Carla Croder left to go to Cabot.

    2. Salt Bowl win over Benton.

    3. Bryant Baseball.

  3. Ashlyn Lessenberry

    i presonally think the girls varsity Cross Country team was awesome. We won every meet and were CONFRENCE CHAMPS and got fourth at state, we totally dominated this season

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