Team Overdrive of Salem finished the spring season by taking home 3rd place recently in the ASA District 9 Tournament in Benton, C-Division. They also placed 3rd in the ASA State tournament in Russellville this past weekend out of 18 teams. Team members include Jessica Hall, Paige Adams, Jacque Moody, Camryn Bolton, Hally Beth Norman, Abbi Davis, Natalie Keen, Gabbie Bonvillian, Zanyah Ailsworth, Ryan Burks, and Bethany Gammill. Not pictured is Misty Wells. Coaches are Bubba Gammill, Nekeya Ailsworth, Mike Norman, David Moody, and Jay Bolton. Special thanks to our sponsors: Natgear, Smith Caldwell Drug, Avilla Merchantile, Waste Management and Salem Pharmacy.