By Martin Couch
A lot of controversy has surrounded the area in Hurricane Creek Apartments at the The Fairways complex off of Woodland Park Road.
Several residents of the area have come to the Bryant City Council[more] in past meetings to voice their displeasure about speeders racing through that area, which is extremely congested in the mornings and afternoons on school days.
Chief Tony Coffman has reported to the Council that he was receiving complaints from residents in that area and requested to provide support to stop the speeding.
"I haven't had as many phone calls since they realized there was nothing I could do until it passed the City Council," he said to the Council on Nov. 18 when asked if he had still been getting phone calls.
The ordinance to establish traffic regulations on certain private property within city limits and for other purposes managed to get a second reading from the Council. The ordinance was to give jurisdiction for the police department to control the speeding.
However, councilman Adrian Henley had brought up a point of disagreement that, "If we allow one to do it, we have to let everyone do it . . ." to stop a motion for a second and third readings that would have passed the oridinance and made it effective immediately.
"There has been a demand for this," Coffman said.
The ordinance is scheduled for a third reading at the December meeting of the Council.