Make-up tryouts for the Bryant Athletic Association baseball program will be[more] this Saturday at Bishop Park.
Those who have not attended the Blue League (Feb. 11) or White League (Feb. 18) tryout must attend this make-up tryout to be placed on a team. The only exception is in Rookie League (playing age 8 or 9) if they are returning to a team. Also, T-ball does not tryout players.
The schedule for the make-up tryouts is Babe Ruth (ages 13-15) at 9 a.m. on Field B2; Cal Ripken (ages 10-12) at 9 a.m., on Field A3; Rookie (ages 8-9) at 10:30 a.m., on Field A3; Instructional (ages 6-7) at 11 a.m., on Field A3.
For more information, visit