Local restaurant to donate funds to schools in burrito eating contest


Moe’s Mexican Grill is all geared up to host a school-against-school Spirit Week contest between Bauxite, Benton and Bryant. Moe’s will be donating a $1,000 prize to the first place school winner, a $500 prize to the second place school and a $250 prize to the third place school.[more]

To begin the competition, each high school will compete in a burrito eating contest among the students in that particular school that want to participate. The winner of each school’s contest will then compete against the other winners from the opposing schools.

Bryant High School’s burrito eating contest will take place at the high school cafeteria Friday, Oct. 15 at 11 a.m., with Benton High School’s and Bauxite High School’s contest following in the next coming weeks.

After the burrito eating contests have been completed, the winner of each school will be presented with a plaque of achievement before their Friday night football game on the week of their contest. At the end of October, the winner from each school will meet again at Moe’s to compete against one another in a burrito eating contest.

According to Langley Fruin, Moe’s representative, “The winner of the schools will get free burritos for a year and we will present the winning school a ‘traveling trophy’ that will go from school to school as the winners go each year.”

After all of the burrito eating has been completed, a second round of the competition will begin. To determine the overall winner of each school, a decorated spirit box representing each school will be placed at the cash register during their designated week. When customers receive their receipt, if they want to contribute to that school, they drop their receipt in the box.

At the end of that school’s spirit week, the receipts are removed and the totals from each individual slip are tallied. The school that brings in the most business and has highest total of receipts will be deemed the ultimate winner of the Moe’s Spirit Week Challenge.

Moe’s will also be represented on Friday, Oct. 15 at Bryant High’s football game and Oct. 22 at Benton High’s football game passing out redeemable coupons. For each coupon that is redeemed, Moe’s will also give back $1 to the school.

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