The Bryant freshman football team will play the Warren Junior Lumberjacks this Thursday,Sept. 3, at Warren. Kickoff will be 7 p.m.
This game is a makeup game added to the Junior Hornets’ schedule due to Pine Bluff Junior High canceling last Thursday’s scheduled game at Pine Bluff. Ticket price for Thursday’s game in Warren will be $5.
The Bryant eighth and ninth grade volleyball matches scheduled at Bryant Junior High School will be played at 5 p.m., Thursday. The eighth grade match will be played in the auxiliary gym and the ninth grade match will be played in the main gym.
The auxiliary gym capacity limit is 100. Ticket sales will cease when this mark is met. Spectators and players who support and participate in the auxiliary gym will not be allowed to enter the main gym and vice versa. Concession will be available to both gyms.