By Devin Sherrill
Communications Director, Bryant Public Schools
Fifth grade students recently completed a rigorous application process to become members of the inaugural Collegeville Elementary School Senate. The group will have opportunities throughout the school year to practice leadership skills while participating in community service activities.
Students were required to have a current 3.0 GPA, approval from administration in regards to behavior and reference letters from previous teachers. The process also required reference checks, a writing sample, and an interview.
Chris Williams, Vice President of First Security Bank, and Tanga Dreher, CES PTO President and nurse at Baptist Hospital, served as community members and helped with the application process. CES principal Katie Thomas also served on the selection committee.
Pictured are, front row, Hayden Thompson, Kushiro Patel, Kylie Robinson, Annalise Robbins; middle, Hudson Wiltshire, Ty Bahnks, Zack Overton, Geoffrey Sims; back row, Nate King, Brianna Lewis, Garret Wilson, TJ Metcalf, Adria Clark, Aryn Stiles; committee, Tanga Dreher, Katie Thomas, Chris Williams