Bomb threat at BMS, BES

Bryant Middle School and Bryant Elementary School have been evacuated due to a reference to a bomb on a note posted on the back of a boys bathroom stall door at Bryant Middle School, according to Bryant assistant superintendent Don McGohan.

“We have evacuated just as a precaution,” said McGohan. “We have a bomb dog coming from Little Rock Air Force Base. As soon as it gets here, it’s going to be used to go through and search. And, of course, we’ve got police officers doing the same thing.

“The kids are safe,” he emphasized. “They’re being taken care of. We anticipate that, hopefully, we’ll be able to get them back safely into the building before the end of the school day but, obviously, the children’s safety is a first priority. The middle school students are at the (football) stadium. The elementary school students are outside the school at several different locations. They’re all being carefully monitored. We will not allow them to return to the building until the all-clear is given.”



  1. Hello, I was at the Middle School when it happened, I am currently a 6th grade student at BMS. Teachers were saying it was a fire, I had to find out from another student about it being a bomb threat. So yeah. I was checked out before the all clear was given.

  2. Anonymous

    Im an 8th grader at BMS. The all clear was never given the all clear as far as I know. We were dismissed by groups at 3:20(end of school) and they said that we should be able to return to school tomorrow morning

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