By Devin Sherrill
Bryant School District Communications Director
The Bryant High School Robotics Team rose to the
challenge in the VEX Robotics Competition[more] sponsored by Arkansas Tech University on
Saturday, Feb. 24, when they received the Excellence Award.
Teams from all over Arkansas designed and programmed robots to perform certain tasks
within a set time frame using VEX equipment. The robots were operated in both
autonomous mode and by remote control. Demonstrating outstanding speed and
control, Bryant students William Wyeth and Jonathan Austin placed first and third in the
driver competition. The combination of the BHS creative, well thought-out robot design,
excellent computer programming, and talented drivers yielded a scoring machine that
awed the crowd and the judges. Robotics Team members include William Wyeth, Isaiah
Stefan, Josh Lawson, Jonathan Austin, Chance Levinson, Dylan Wilcox, Zach Heath, Ashley
Harris, Ryan West, Rex Hearn, Spencer Sullivan, and Zach Foltz.
As the Excellence Award winners, they are the first and only team to qualify to represent
Arkansas at the World Vex Championship Competition in Anaheim, Calif., in April. If they can
secure sponsorships to participate in the event, they will face teams from all across the US,
as well as countries such as Canada, Mexico, Japan, New Zealand, and China.
The Bryant High School Pre-engineering Department is hosting an Open House on
Thursday, Feb. 28, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., in Building 22, BHS Campus. The
community is invited to come by and see the team and robot in action.