Ad sizes (in pixels):
leader — 728×90
rectangle — 180×150
skyscraper — 160×600
Call or email now for special introductory rates! Rob Patrick at 501-350-7898 or Mike Patrick at 501-650-2257. Email or
Rob Patrick
Kathryn Wishard
Rob –
This really isn’t a comment but I would like to know how I can have something put on here about my Women Can Walk/Run Clinic that just started on Sunday – It is a 10-Week FREE clinic held at the Bryant High School Track – Let me know if this is something I could be put on here –
Greg Blacklaw
Looks really good Rob.
Chris Peterson
Currently my hours prevent me from contacting you by phone. Is there a way, for myself & others, that you could simply add a page posting the advertising rates (& location/size descriptions such as Header banner, right-side column, etc.) and the basic guidlines for acceptable advertisments?
In the meantime, I would be very happy if you could email this info to me because I would like to support this site and get in early on the advertising opportunities.
Chris Peterson
Thanks, Greg!
Mrs. Wishard, just send it to me at and I’ll post it. Thanks!
Mr. Peterson,
The email is on the way.
D Sikes
Fantastic, Rob!! Great job and project. I’m glad to see you continuing on with providing information for OUR town